Terms & Conditions

Jharaayurveda.com perceives the significance of keeping up with your security. We esteem your security and value your confidence in us. This Arrangement portrays how we treat client data we gather on http://www.jharaayurveeda.com and other disconnected sources. This Security Strategy applies to current and previous guests to our site and to our web-based clients. By visiting and additionally utilizing our site, you consent to this Security Strategy.

Jharaayurveda, an Indian Organization enlisted under Indian Propreitorship Act having its enrolled office at Jharaayurveda, service Rd,  Sanjeevni Classes, Gamharia, Chhota Gamharia, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand – 832108

Information we collect

Contact data. We could gather your name, email, portable number, telephone number, road, city, state, pentode, nation and IP address.

Installment and charging data. We could gather your charging name, charging address and installment technique when you purchase a ticket. We NEVER gather your Mastercard number or Visa expiry date or different subtleties relating to your charge card on our site. Charge card data will be acquired and handled by our web-based installment accomplice CC Road.

Data you post. 

We gather data you post in a public space on our site or on an outsider virtual entertainment site having a place with Jhar aayurveda.

Segment data. We might gather segment data about you, occasions you like, occasions you plan to take part in, tickets you purchase, or some other data given by your during the utilization of our site. We could gather this as a piece of an overview too.

Other data. In the event that you utilize our site, we might gather data about your IP address and the program you’re utilizing. We could see what website you came from, term of time spent on our site, pages got to or what webpage you visit when you leave us. We could likewise gather the kind of cell phone you are utilizing, or the form of the working framework your PC or gadget is running.

We gather data in various ways.

We gather data straightforwardly from you. We gather data straightforwardly from you when you register for an occasion or purchase tickets. We likewise gather data on the off chance that you post a remark on our sites or pose us an inquiry through telephone or email.

We gather data from you inactively. We use following instruments like Google Investigation, Google Website admin, program treats and web guides for gathering data about your use of our site.

We get data about you from outsiders. For instance, assuming you utilize an incorporated virtual entertainment highlight on our sites. The outsider virtual entertainment site will give us certain data about you. This could incorporate your name and email address.

Utilization of your personal data

We use data to reach you: We could utilize the data you give to get in touch with you to affirmation of a buy on our site or for other special purposes.

We use data to answer your solicitations or questions. We could involve your data to affirm your enrollment for an occasion or challenge.

We use data to work on our items and administrations. We could utilize your data to alter your involvement in us. This could incorporate showing content in light of your inclinations.

We use data to see site patterns and client interests. We might utilize your data to improve our site and items. We might consolidate data we get from you with data about you we get from outsiders.

We use data for security purposes. We might utilize data to safeguard our organization, our clients, or our sites.

We use data for advertising. We could send you data about extraordinary advancements or offers. We could likewise enlighten you concerning new highlights or items. These may be our own offers or items, or outsider offers or items we figure you could see as intriguing. Or on the other hand, for instance, assuming you purchase tickets from us we’ll enlist you in our bulletin.

We use data to send you value-based correspondences. We could send you messages or SMS about your record or a ticket buy.

We use data as in any case allowed by regulation.

Sharing of information with third-parties

We will impart data to outsiders who perform administrations for our benefit. We share data with sellers who assist us with dealing with our internet based enlistment cycle or installment processors or conditional message processors. A few sellers might be situated beyond India.

We will impart data to the occasion coordinators. We share your data with occasion coordinators and different gatherings answerable for satisfying the buy commitment. The occasion coordinators and different gatherings might utilize the data we give them as portrayed in their security approaches.

We will impart data to our colleagues. This incorporates an outsider who give or support an occasion, or who works a setting where we hold occasions. Our accomplices utilize the data we give them as portrayed in their security arrangements.

We might share data in the event that we assume we need to conform to the law or to safeguard ourselves. We will share data to answer a court request or summon. We may likewise share it on the off chance that an administration organization or investigatory body demands. Or then again, we could likewise share data when we are researching possible extortion.

We might impart data to any replacement to all or part of our business. For instance, assuming piece of our business is sold we might give our client list as a feature of that exchange.

We might share your data because of reasons not depicted in this strategy. We will tell you before we do this.

Email Quit

You can quit accepting our promoting messages. To quit accepting our limited time messages, if it’s not too much trouble, email info@jharaayurveda.com. It might require around ten days to deal with your solicitation. Regardless of whether you quit getting advertising messages, we will in any case be sending you conditional messages through email and SMS about your buys.

Third party sites

In the event that you click on one of the connections to outsider sites, you might be taken to sites we don’t control. This approach doesn’t matter to the security practices of those sites. Peruse the security strategy of different sites cautiously. We are not liable for these outsider destinations.

Complaint Official

As per Data Innovation Act 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact subtleties of the Complaint Official are given beneath:

Jhar Aayurveda,
Administration Rd, alongside Sanjeevni Classes, Gamharia, Chota Gamaria,
Jamshedpur, Jharkhand – 832108

Call us : +91 9241171997, +91 9241171998

Email: info@jharaayurveda.com

In the event that you have any inquiries regarding this Approach or other protection concerns, you can likewise email us at info@jharaayurveda.com

Updates to this policy

This Security Strategy was keep going refreshed on 18.06.2024. Now and again we might change our security rehearses. We will tell you of any material changes to this strategy as legally necessary. We will likewise post a refreshed duplicate on our site. If it’s not too much trouble, check our site intermittently for refreshes.


In the event that you decide to visit the site, your visit and any argument about security is dependent upon this Approach and the site’s terms of purpose. Notwithstanding the prior, any questions emerging under this Arrangement will be represented by the laws of India.

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