Products Delivery

Buys are delivered from our own or outsider stockrooms/stores or workplaces from different places in India. Our undertaking is to make the items contact you inside 5 to 8 work days for metro urban communities and 8 to 12 work days for non-metros from receipt of request and installment relying upon the location for conveyance.

Request conveyances will be made by our own staff or outsider dispatch and operations organizations or Postal Administrations generally between 10.30 am – 7 pm Monday – Saturday.

Merchandise should be endorsed for upon conveyance. We assume a sense of ownership with merchandise endorsed by an elective individual other than the individual requesting the item at the location showed at the hour of the request.

Since the exchanges are approved by the card holder, we don’t get a sense of ownership with mistaken addresses gave at the hour of submitting the request

We are not liable for harm of items after conveyance.

All cases, if any, for deficiencies or harms should be accounted for to client assistance upon the arrival of conveyance through the reach us page on the web store. Likewise the expressed deficiency of products needs be featured and endorsed on the Confirmation of conveyance duplicate and got back to the conveyance individual.

Conveyance/Delivery Charges

Postage rates might fluctuate in view of item, bundling, size, volume, type and different contemplations. The postage charges are given at the hour of look at and shoppers will realize about this prior to making installments

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